YOGATHON: Surya 108
To celebrate International Yoga Day and the Summer Solstice, we'll be taking the Surya 108 challenge. 108 is an auspicious number in the yogic tradition and performing 108 sun salutations is beneficial on so many levels! The practice is both physically challenging (it takes around an hour or so to complete the full sequence!) and is spiritually uplifting. Many yogis choose to dedicate their 108 practice to a good cause. We'll be donating funds to the Sri Radhey Seva Trust in India. If you'd like to join us, you can simply book a ticket...AND you can invite your friends and family to sponsor you too (please contact us if you would like to know more about sponsorship). If you can't make the event but would like to contribute please donate here Please join Yoga Prema in our fundraising celebration on 21st June 7-9pm when we'll be practising 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation at Hamilton House in Bristol. Join us for a fabulous community event. Spaces are limited and booking is essential - £12 per person - simply click the button below to book your tickets and confirm your mat space! Much love and gratitude! Team Yogathon xxx More info pls contact Lila - [email protected] / 07789263366 |